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Not Evaluated (NE)

Not Evaluated (NE)

Species classified as Not Evaluated (NE) by the IUCN Red List have not yet been formally assessed for their extinction risk. This status applies to millions of species worldwide, many of which remain undescribed by science.

The Not Evaluated category does not indicate whether a species is safe or at risk—rather, it means that no scientific assessment has been conducted yet.

With millions of species on Earth, many have yet to be studied in detail. Some may be widespread and abundant, while others could be critically endangered without our knowledge.

There are several reasons why species may not yet have been assessed:

  • They were recently discovered and have not been studied in detail.
  • They are hard to study, such as deep-sea creatures or cryptic species.
  • Limited scientific resources prevent assessments for every species.
  • Some species are well-known but haven’t been prioritized for evaluation.

Expanding conservation research is crucial to ensure that species in this category receive proper attention if needed.

No animals found for this category.