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Extinct (EX)

Extinct (EX)

Species classified as Extinct (EX) by the IUCN Red List are those that no longer exist anywhere on Earth.The Extinct classification means there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual of the species has died.

A species is classified as Extinct (EX) when extensive surveys in known and potential habitats have failed to find a single surviving individual. Once a species reaches this stage, it is gone forever, unless revival through de-extinction technology becomes viable in the future.

Protecting endangered species is critical to preventing more species from reaching this tragic outcome.

Scientists estimate that over 99% of all species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct. While most extinctions happen naturally over millions of years, the current human-driven extinction crisis is happening at an alarming rate.

Advances in genetic research and cloning have led to de-extinction projects, but for now, preventing extinction through conservation efforts remains the most effective solution.

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