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Critically Endangered (CR)

Critically Endangered (CR)

Species classified as Critically Endangered (CR) by the IUCN Red List face an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.

The Critically Endangered category is one step away from extinction. These species have experienced rapid population declines, have tiny, fragmented habitats, or face severe threats that could wipe them out entirely.

The Critically Endangered classification is given to species that meet any of the following alarming criteria:

  • A population decline of 80% or more over the last 10 years.
  • Fewer than 250 mature individuals remaining in the wild.
  • A highly restricted range making the species extremely vulnerable.

Without immediate conservation action, many Critically Endangered species could soon be classified as Extinct in the Wild or completely lost.

The loss of these species would have devastating effects on ecosystems, disrupting food chains, habitats, and biodiversity. Conservation efforts, such as anti-poaching laws, habitat restoration, and breeding programs, are crucial in preventing extinction.

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